BGS claim Top of the Rocks
Junior School Mathematics

Mrs Copp (Deputy Head, Junior School)

Many congratulations to budding mathematicians in Years 3 and 4 who claimed the inaugural Harpur Trust Top of the Rocks overall title, following the competition undertaken last week. We are so proud of the girls who further developed their skills of automaticity, speed and accuracy of times tables.  

Miss Fisher’s class, 4F, were the highest scoring band, although they had tough competition from Mrs Martin’s class who were hot on their heels throughout the competition.

Six girls from across Years 3 and 4 were in the top ten list of leading players out of all the participants in the three Harpur Trust schools, which is astounding. Meira Gulati (Year 4) was our top player, achieving an outstanding score of 34, 635 points. Minnu Sooraj (Year 3) achieved an impressive 26, 144 points and Merrin Harris (Year 3) achieved an incredible 24,966 points. The girls were presented with their certificates on Thursday morning by maths rock idol, Baz Wynter from Times Table Rock Stars.

Meira Gulati said: “I was feeling really competitive! It was really fun and I feel so proud to have won!”

Merrin Harris added: “I wanted to try my best for the competition so that as a class we could be the best we could. I learnt so many new skills and feel that I am able to work out anything in mental maths.”

Minnu Sooraj said: “I thought the competition was great. Now I am able to learn new times tables and improve my score.”

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BGS claim Top of the Rocks