Izzy Supporting her Community
Senior School Community

It’s been heart-warming to see so many of our students continuing to support and campaign for charitable organisation during these challenging times. 

Inspirational student, Izzy Jackson (Year 10), has been volunteering for Leighton-Linslade Helpers as part of her Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Medal Award. 

We spoke to Izzy about her volunteering, she said: “I am working towards my Bronze DofE award, this involves volunteering for a non-profit organisation every week for three months. I chose to help out at Leighton-Linslade Helpers, which is a group of volunteers that came together at the start of COVID-19 to help support members of the local community throughout the pandemic. Their services include delivering food parcels, click, collect and delivery services, and also prescription collection.

“Recently we received a donation of 3,000 yoghurts from Müller, and as we couldn’t store them all for food parcels, we went into the town centre and gave them out for free as part of random act of kindness day.

“I've really enjoyed my volunteer placement as it has given me an opportunity to meet new people in my local area and help those who might have been struggling during the pandemic. The next project I am looking forward to is delivering over 2000 Easter eggs to disadvantaged children.”

During these difficult times, it’s been amazing to see the significant rise of volunteering, as our communities come together to support each other. So, we would love to hear what you’ve been doing to help the people around you, whether that’s looking out for your neighbours in self-isolation, delivering food parcels, or getting involved with a project or local organisation.

If you have a story about being involved in volunteering during the coronavirus pandemic, please send it to [email protected]

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Izzy Supporting her Community