Success in Cambridge Contest
Sixth Form Philosophy and Religion

Photo - Grace, Dina and Maddie

We are thrilled to announce that Lower Sixth students Dina Atab, Grace Harris and Maddie Knowlden were Highly Commended in the Cambridge in Your Classroom film competition.

Students from across the UK were tasked with producing a short film inspired by one of the Cambridge in Your Classroom videos. Students could utilise the video, as well as any of the related 'Explore Further' Cambridge resources from each video, as inspiration.

The group reflected on their video: “We were asked to make a short film inspired by one of the Cambridge in Your Classroom videos, and we could use the video as well as any of the related 'Explore Further' Cambridge resources from each video as inspiration.

“We used the Cambridge in Your Classroom video, Does God have a gendered body? and interpreted the theme by exploring ideas about God's appearance. We made a short film in the style of a YouTube video where a girl has questions when she attempts to draw God. We submitted it, and then a few weeks later, we received an email stating we had been highly commended in the Key Stage Five category. Although we didn't win, we received a prize of fifty-one pounds to be split between us. Overall, we had fun making an educational learning resource, working in a team, and being creative.”

Mrs Greenwood (Head of Philosophy and Religion) commented: “We are very proud of the Lower Sixth students on their excellent achievement. The Cambridge film competition is always highly competitive, receiving a large number of entries; the students therefore showed excellent creativity and grasp of the source material in their final piece.”

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Success in Cambridge Contest